March 31, 2010November 4, 2019Ecommerce blog, Ecommerce design, Ecommerce strategy How much should an ecommerce site cost? This is a question I’ve been asked recently, and the easy answer is anything from £200 up to £2,000,000, with most sites […]
March 30, 2010November 4, 2019Ecommerce blog, Ecommerce design, Ecommerce strategy Online logs Hearing it might snow again, I thought I would try and buy some firewood online… It’s interesting to compare the delivery strategies […]
March 15, 2010November 4, 2019Ecommerce blog, Ecommerce strategy, SEO Is adwords ever “not cost effective”? I was talking to the owner of Sunspel, a website selling luxury menswear both online and offline, who came out with the […]
February 22, 2010November 27, 2013Ecommerce design Building usability into ecommerce design With a specialist website, selling one product or category of products, thinking early on about the best way to present products can […]
February 18, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce design, Social media What to believe? “Whizzy imagery out-performs ratings and reviews in Adobe survey” A survey by Adobe concluded the following are effective in increasing conversion rate. […]
January 29, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce strategy, Social media When social shopping can really work There are various ways that social media is slowly being adopted by online retailers. It’s becoming increasingly common to find facebook, twitter […]