March 1, 2010November 4, 2019Ecommerce blog, Ecommerce strategy Incremental sales, or cannibalising from other channels? Reading about the imminent launch of a Gap ecommerce site in the UK got me thinking about to what extent online sales […]
February 25, 2010April 8, 2010Ecommerce design, Ecommerce strategy What is the secret to a successful website? This is a fantastic article – So true, I could have written it myself… I particularly like the closing paragraph: Management must […]
February 10, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce strategy, Social media Lessons to learn from invite-only online shopping I became a member of, via an invitation from Gwyneth Paltrow no less! is a members only shopping site set […]
February 1, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce design, Ecommerce strategy ECommerce design – questions to ask sooner rather than later These are two important aspects of managing an ecommerce site which may not be top of your list when developing a new […]
January 29, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce strategy, Social media When social shopping can really work There are various ways that social media is slowly being adopted by online retailers. It’s becoming increasingly common to find facebook, twitter […]
January 27, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce design, Ecommerce strategy Multistore tabs – an interesting solution for businesses with multiple brands This is an interesting trend from the US; businesses that operate different ecommerce sites under different brands using tabbed navigation at the […]
January 18, 2010March 31, 2010Ecommerce strategy ECommerce: a threat not an opportunity? I’ve encountered various companies where having an ecommerce website was seen as a threat to other channels in the business – either […]